Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Advantages and disadventages of living with someone of the opposite sex

Living with somebody of the opposite sex can be an advantage because you never feel alone and are with someone you don t feel you have to be competitive with. You can ask for advices,as far as love is concerned. Living with somebody else also allow you to split the chores. In fact, usually men are better in fixing things.

However, you always have somebody nagging on you telling you what's better to do or that you should tidy up the house...Living with somebody ( a girl or a boy) can also engender fights. In fact, if you live with someone, you have to be able to share everything. Problems of money can sometimes appear too.

In a more particularly way, living with your boyfriend or girlfriend can also be an advantage and an inconvenient. You live with a person you love, you are together to face the life and all the little problems you have to deal with, you can always speak to someone else and ask advices you can share chores, you can be supportive with your partner, you can exchange confidences. But, problems of money can't be denied, you sometimes have to face the bad mood of the other person, ...

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